Open floor plans that combine the kitchen and living room space but still include the essentials like a breakfast nook, dining room space, and a fully functional kitchen.Here are some of the functional features common to these homes: Americans everywhere are looking to get away from the high mortgages and hefty utility bills that come with large home ownership. That being said, this trend toward excessively large homes is on the decline, and small house floor plans are on the rise. In America, our square-foot-per-person average for homes is among the highest in the globe. Whether you’re working with a small lot, looking to save on building materials and utility bills, wanting to downsize to a smaller living area, or simply interested in a more environmentally friendly home design, these plans help you get the most out of minimal square footage. The plans in our collection are all under 2,000 square feet in size, and over 300 of them are 1,000 square feet or less. They still include the features and style you want but with an overall smaller layout and footprint. These homes focus on functionality, purpose, efficiency, comfort, and affordability.

Small home plans maximize the limited amount of square footage they have to provide the necessities you need in a home.